Zoey and her baby puppy crew arrived on August 30, 2007!

Zoey guarding the hogs!

Zoey in jail !

Zoey (8 wks) had a busy first few days carving pumpkins and playing!

Zoey and her BFF froggy!

Sharing a pillow!

Zoey’s now 10 wks and her favorite past times are tv and snoozing!!

It’s a tough life!

Zoey’s active hours: chasing the squeeky ball and devouring bones!

Zoey’s awesome! Her first snow was at 12 weeks, she ran, played fetch!

Born to be a birder!

Zoey hit the bottle to get through her teething phase!

Check out those pearly whites!

Merry First Christmas Zoey!

She loved opening and playing with all of her presents!

Look I can FLY!